General Science Hindi - An App for Competitive Exam Aspirants, School-College Students, Teachers and Learners of every Age.
This App is build to help candidates of competitive exams to learn and revise General Science section in an effective manner with 3500+ One Liner Question_Answers.
App Highlights:
1. More than 1000 Questions from Physics, Chemistry, Human Body, Plant Biology and Animal Biology section.
2. 25+ Chapters with Clean User Interface.
3. Unique Feature - QA ScreenShot Sharing in ONE Click.
4. Full Functional Blog Integration for Reading Articles and Study Material from PDF_Adda_Blog.
5. Small Size, Fast Loading.
Who can Get This App's Benefits:
1. Aspirants of Competitive Exams such as SSC, HSSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, LIC, etc.
2. School Students, Teachers, Parents etc.
3. Every Learner of Science.
Question-Answers list is compiled in Hindi Language for making Learning ecperience more Effective.